
Sunday, March 17, 2019

Constitution Position Paper :: essays research papers

The falls of this country are due to the Articles of Confederation and a weak centralized giving medication. To correct this, a strong subject area government will need to take its place. The majority of this delegation wishes to accept the genius as the new federal government of the United States.Many corking arguments were brought up during the proceedings such as William Patersons view of rewriting the Articles and proposing the union of the states as merely federal. Alexander Hamiltons idea of a supreme executive serving during good behavior or feel with veto power over all laws. Both of these were rejected. Patersons throw because there are in any case many faults with the Articles and Hamiltons idea because it is too close to a form of monarchy. The most accepted idea was by Edmund Randolph and James Madison. In it they proposed the government be broken up into triplet branches legislative, executive, and judicial and each branch to check and balance each opposite(a )s power. This centralized government would father the power to veto laws enacted by state legislatures. The majority of the delegates voted on a supreme power national government over the federations being an agreement resting on the good organized religion of its members. The many problems in the Articles of Confederation that led us to throw it away rather than to amend it were its inability to tax, no national court system, no executive to enforce acts of Congress, lack of regulation of foreign and interstate commerce, amendments with take on of all states, and the fact that the articles are only a firm league of friendship that is non-binding. There are too many changes to me made to have the state legislatures vote on it. The result would be no changes for the legislatures rise to loose power. The only way that changes will be made if we bug out new.Many new issues came up with the Constitution and they were settled. The issue of legislation was pertinacious with a bica meral legislature with two houses where one is represented equally by each state is allotted two votes while the other is based on population. How slaves would be counted was settled where every five slaves counted as three persons.

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