
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Keep Joe Camel out of the Mall :: essays research papers

Keep Joe Camel Out of the MallI marle what pleasure or felicitie they have in taking this rogish Tabacco it is good for nothing, but to choake a man, and cope with him of smoake, and imbers... (Jonson, Act 3, Scene 3.2) These were the words of Ben Jonson, a 17th century side poet. In agreement with this cite, smoking should be banned from all familiar places. This opinion is supported by the evidence that secondhand sess is in truth harmful. Additionally, if a child sees an older person good deal (in a creation place), the child might be influenced to smoke. Lastly, cigarette smoke can tinct people with allergies or other respiratory problems or diseases. The effects of still smoke are numerous.Secondhand smoke is very harmful. Secondhand smoke is estimated to cause 53,0000 deaths each year among non-smokers in the United States. (Garrison 44) Thats a lot of deaths. About 3,000 of these deaths are due to lung cancer caused by non-smokers vivacious the smokers smoke. People should care more for the people just about them. many of those 3,000 were probably children. (Garrison 44) Cigarette smoke increases the risk of lung cancer and center field disease, even in a non-smoker. Even the non-smokers have to watch out. ace thousand Americans stop smoking everydayby dying. (Smoking Quotes 1) Some Americans dull without even starting smoking themselves. Children are particularly vulnerable to the prejudicial effects of cigarettes.One reason smoking should be banned in all public places is that children are easily influenced by watching the actions of others. Some psychologists say people function as audiences for each other and for activities that environs them in public settings. (Poland 183) Ninety per cent of new smokers are under 19 years of age. (Bailey 54) Children regularly take up smoking scorn health campaigns about the dangers of smoking. Children see smoking on pop-ups on computers, in advertising, and in public places. (Connolly, 10) As t he adolescent brain seeks to specialize in rewarding activities, addictive substances can crowd out other activities, diminish the repertoire being learned. When youre addicted, all your motivation gets funneled into seeking or taking the drug, said R. Andrew Chambers, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Yale University. (McGough) This quote illustrates how easily adolescents are influence by others. Besides adolescents, another concourse of people that is vulnerable to smoking are people with allergies and respiratory problems. some(prenominal) EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) studies performed since the early 1970s have concluded that secondhand smoke not only causes lung cancer in non-smokers, it worsens asthma symptoms.

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