
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Thrre Things Wrong with the World :: social issues

Thrre Things ruin with the WorldThe first thing I would have to say that is premature with the world is definitely the drug occupation. I mean, it seems that most of the fight, famine, & illness that ar running rampant through our lives are initially from drugs. For instance, you get a hit of crank from a friend who used the needle on herself & then WHAM, youve got AIDS & neer even knew it could happen. A nonher example would be the wars. In Cuba, thither are drug wars going on promptly that inadvertently have caused many state to die, be left homeless, or even without food or water. So, that would definitely be my first & firstly idea on whats wrong with the world today.The next thing on my list would have to be AIDS itself. Mostly, this is a big problem because there is no cure & many people get this disease every day. Granted, it isnt always contracted by a needle, exactly opposite ways, such as intercourse without protection, are effective in contracting this disease a s well. The only real way to keep on this disease would have to be never to share a needle (if youre doing something stupid enough as doing drugs in the first place), & never have sex. That would have to be the only 100% way not to get this disease, besides knowing your partner is not HIV positive. That is wherefore this disease is affecting so many people. Its because they dont realize that they can get it just by doing one of the to a higher place mentioned activities, as well as some others I cant think of. That, & many other reasons, is why AIDS is my number ii in my list of three things.My final thing I view that is wrong with the world would have to be our government. Yes, I said it, OUR GOVERNMENT. It is not as if I am Anti-American, I love my country, but there has to be some sort of line between helping other nations & trying to control other nations. I believe we have not only crossed that line, but have gone so remote as to cross several more after it. Take the war on Iraq, for example. Initially, I was all for getting rid of Saddam ibn Talal Hussein & helping the Iraqi people become free & independent. But, now as I think about it more & more, I wonder why were are still over there fighting & killing those people if they say that we have ridded ourselves of that nuisance already?

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