
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Traditional Family In A Post Modern Society

In a spot modern company such as Britain, atomic number 18 tralatitious family and coupling necessary? This essay leave alone explore whether traditional family and marriage be necessary in Britain today. The transmit of societal attitudes and attitudes get step to the fore need to be considered, as well as analyzing statistical narrate. The ideology of the family and marriage will then be discussed and contrasted, in relation to various theoretical perspectives such as functionalism and post modernism.Government views and policies will as well as be reviewed in order to show how family has evolved for various family types. before discussing if on that point is a necessity for traditional family and marriage in Britain today, it sole(prenominal) appears logical to first understand what is meant by the term traditional family. A traditional family or nucl auricle family, as it is fewtimes referred to as, consists of a straighta brass agency monogynic couple on t hat ar leg onlyy bound through marriage and their healthy, dependent 2. Children, Muncie et al. (1999). There is usually a clear division of take where the male predominantly plays the instrumental role of the breadwinner and the female predominantly plays her expressive role as the homemaker and negociate giver, Bernard (1997). This is based on the possibleness of Functionalism (which has dominated theories until the mid 20th century). They seem to place importance on the division of labor, as they believe that this structure is the most effective way of performing family functions.This compass of family would substantiate been very accurate if it was based families most the 20th century as it was considered to be the norm, to get married and gravel a family with males and females playing their respective biological roles. check to Pascal (1986) in Muncie et al (1 999, pop), the Beverage Report recognized three key characteristics of the associated with the root of he fam ily 1 Women are available to do housework and care for children and elderly relatives, without pay. 2 Couples consist of one full-time worker (usually a male breadwinner) and one housewife whose work after-school(prenominal) the home is insignifi stackt Women bet to men for financial support. As time has evolved the intellection of what family is has operate varied and not quite as meticulous in its structure, although this is still the image of some households. These characteristics that are noted in The Beverage Report may be deemed as dated by most individuals in the 21 SST century, as it is sheer that family Structure has changed dramatically. This report would make believe been disregarded by feminists, as a patriarchal family is not what they believe in. This clear shows the fair sex as existence dependent on a man.According to data from the stake of National Statistics (2012), it is clear that the nuclear family (married kindles with an average of 2 child depend ents) has act to be the most ordinary family type, although this number has slowly begun to decrease as the years have moved on. What can as well be set is that the number of lot in other family types, for example single parent families and analogous-sex families, has begun to increase gradually. This suggests that people are beginning to harmonize that family does not have to be the traditional nuclear family.The fact that it is documented at all shows that at that place is no huge necessity for marriage as thither once was. Also there is the opinion as per Duncan and Phillips (2008, up), that marriage and undivided cohabitation are socially similar (as agreed by two-thirds of individuals when surveyed) and one-third matte up that unmarried cohabitation shows as much commitment as marriage. There is also the suggestion that cohabiting relationships are actually lasting longer, for example in 2006 it was . 9 years, compared to 6. 5 years in 2000.This demonst pass judgment how views and relationship types have changed in Britain, as if this survey Was done in the early 20th century there probably would have been remarkable difference in the responses and the types of relationship people were part of. Postmodernists such as Bernard (1997) believe that society needs to accept family diversity, as you would accept different classes, ethnicities and sexual orientation. This assumption of their only world one proper family form needs to be eradicated, as anything outside of this form will been seen as lacking(p). Morocco (1968) cited in Muncie et al. 1999) suggested the idea of the nuclear family as being a universal. The traditional nuclear family is based on the ideology of families. This ideology is shaped by both the state and the media and it seems to be hard promoted, whereas other family types might be seen as deviant. It could be argued that this idea of a traditional family is comely slight of an option. According to Elution in Fox (2009, IPP P-459) in order for some families to cope with the strain of domestic labor and paying employment, both spouses are having to share the responsibility of reducing a remuneration through paid work.This suggests that in some households the option of a traditional family alivenessstyle is unavailable to them, based on the way in which this capitalistic state has evolved. According to Duncan and Phillips (2008, Pl), Family life is no longer equated with the married couple. This implies that this sit of the family could be seen as unrealistic in this present modern society, as it only if ignores the different variations that we can now expect within a family unit, such as single parent families, same-sex families and step families to name a few.The legislation is that there is no family norm and no definite exposition to the term family. Marriage, as a social institution, may have simply been reformed, widened and modernized rather than being decreed If this family form were indeed decreed, we would expect to find that those who go away apart from their partners, solo living and same-sex partnerships are seen as equivalent, rather than inferior family forms, Duncan and Phillips (2008, pop). The Postmodernism approach seems to take this diversity of family types into account and therefore pushes for this diversity to be accepted within society.This could be considered to be a much set aside observation of British society today. This approach family is characterized by choice, freedom, diversity, ambivalence and fluidity, just and Holbrook (2007, IPPP). This suggests that individuals are much open to live their lives as they please, without judgment and humiliation. According to McNeil et al (2003, up) much and to a greater extent people delay forming their own families some may choose to remain Single or childless. This has led some sociologists to argue that there is such a thing as a postmodern family.This is a more modernized term that Seems to embody what British society is like today. Maybe the term traditional family needs to become redundant and replaced by the more flexible term postmodern family? This may be seen as a more appropriate portrayal of family life in a post modern society. Post-war women had the demands of devoting their lives to their men with domestic roles turn imminent, Muncie et al (1999). The roles of women have now changed, for the majority. They now have more indemnifys which could run the dynamics of the family.In the past a non married woman might have been considered to be a spinster, but now they tend to be label as independent professional women. Some of these changes are down to feminists pickings a stand for equal treatment of men and women and eliminating patriarchy, Bernard (1997). This can be evidenced with the Equal Pay Act in 1970, where feminists thought for the right for women to be paid the same salary as their male counterparts, when doing the same role, Lynn Seal in Muncie et al (19 97).Another major turning point for women was in 1 918 when they were finally given the right to vote, after years of electioneering from the suffragists and suffragettes, Women and the Vote, (no date). It is apparent that feminists have conflicting views to the functionalists ND new right regarding the idea of the traditional nuclear family, as they would perchance prefer a more symmetrical family where the authority is shared. They might argue that traditional family and marriage are not necessary, as traditional family in particular is perceived as more beneficial to men.Gender appears to be Of some importance, as stated by Duncan and Phillips (2008, up), because according to individualistic theory it is women who often lead change, as they discover away from traditional and antidisestablishmentarianism and seek fairer and more equal ones. Feminists Barrett and McIntosh (1 982), maintain that this traditional nuclear family type is anti-social because it exploits women and ben efits capitalism, whilst perceiving the more unconventional family types as in adequate.It is evident that societal attitudes have changed over time regarding the acceptance of the various family modus vivendi choices. Society has become ethnically various(a) and it could be considered as less judgmental. One of the most recent examples of this change is the consideration, by the nuclear fusion government, for dauntless marriages. The carte is to be submitted as early as next ear with it becoming law by as early as 2015, Hennessey (2012).This insinuates that the coalition government are starting to adopt a more post modern view regarding family and marriage. Although according to McCarthy and Edwards (2011 a more recent judgment known as clean right, which supports many of the primary functionalist beliefs including the importance of monogamous marriage, the nuclear family and the division of labor in maintaining stability within society, is the view currently held by the coa lition government.According to Mainland (2012) Deed Mainland has stated that, There are many ay couples of faith and there are many faith groups that embroil gay people and so its only right for faith groups that longing to conduct same-sex marriages to be allowed to do so under law. He believes that there needs to be marriage equality for gay couples with the right to marry in churches, synagogues and meeting houses that are willing to accommodate them.If this bill is pasted it may well be another significant rejoicing for the equality of gay couples since their right to adopt in the UK in 2005 and being allowed to have civil partnerships in 2005, Ross, Gas and Barrington (2011). These hanged were made through The natural Labor Government from 1 997, which seemed to embrace the reality of the diversity of family types. This treat can be perceived as necessary as it shows that the government have been taking steps to establishing equality and rights for gay people and regarding them as they would a married couple.They also showed great support for single mothers go them financial support and paid childcare, Bourbons (2012). This in itself could be seen as evidence of traditional family not being necessary in Britain today and it also shows the support that is been received y these supposed deviant family types. This illustrates the rights that gay couples are starting to receive which are the same as a married couple and the support that single parents get from the state. Single parent families are becoming more common with the rise in divorce and separation.Since the Divorce regenerate Act 1969 there has been a rise in divorce in England and Wales, Bourbons (2009). Also Rodgers (2011) explains how Data published by the Office for National Statistics, indicates that since 2009 there has been a 4. 9% increase from 113,949 to 119,589 in 2010. Single parent families seem o bring about the idea of living in a well-being state, where some individuals are pr eoccupied by state handouts or else of actually supporting themselves. Margaret Thatcher gave a speech in 1 987, which she clearly shows her condemnation of how society had become.She maintained that some individuals became complacent and dependent on the state to provide for them, because of the benefits that they were permitted to. She suggested that, people have got the entitlements too much in mind without the obligations, Key (1987). This suggests that some individuals take advantage f the assist that is offered and decide not to satiate their obligations of I. E. Trying to find a job. It can be considered as an effortless alternative for some, enabling their unwillingness to work.Although the welfare state was initially aimed at tackling poverty, it became apparent to some that it actually created more problems. Locks (2000) stated that the idea of the nanny stats? and a culture of dependency started to emerge. It seems very conform to that the government is now trying to p ut a stop to this trust on the state by capping the benefits that out of work individuals are authorise to (http// www. Conservatives. Com/Policy/Where_we_stand/Jobs_and_Welfare. Asps no date).It will be made law that anyone claiming out of work benefits will not be able to receive more than EWE,OHO per year, which is what the average person earns in employment. By implementing this cap, in 201 3, the government could be seen as trying to create a much fairer system for families and possibly promoting the notion that everyone should work. Although there has been a rise in divorce rates there also seems to be a high level of remarriage, which agency that the number of reconstituted families is also on the rise as indicated by Duncan and Phillips (2008).This could symbolise that marriage and family is still of some importance to most individuals and regarded as necessary, although there is a rise in divorce, these same individuals are still opting to conjoin and create their own family form. In conclusion, it is evident that traditional family and marriage are not necessary in a post modern society such as Britain, although it is still considered as important to some individuals. Family in general seems to have some importance to most individuals, regardless of the family form.The rotational nuclear family is still seen as the preferred family type according to New right and Functionalists nonetheless it seems realistic to accept that society has become more flexible in regards to their views on family due to the changes that have occurred. Looking at family from a postmodernist and feminist view it is evident that society is diverse and it makes sense to adopt an understanding nature towards family situations and types.

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