
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Developmental Writing Stages

Introduction The learning knead of reading, committal to writing and speaking for children be taught at home and at school. While reading often produces with recognizing the letter of the alphabet and twinned appropriate letter to the grievouss, the writing treat is a method of connecting words to print. When a child starts to hold a crayon, his process of learning to economize commences. As writing is a growthal process that children go through at their possess pace each writing floor is an important experience that offers children the time to explore and experiment with their own writing.These stages overlap as children progress and reach the writing stages at antithetical ages. Developmental Stages of drop a line Based on the works of Richard Gentry and The Conventions of piece of music Developmental Scale, there argon eight stages of writing development namely scribbling, letter-like symbols, strings of garner, beginning sounds emerge, consonant represent words, i nitial, middle and terminal sounds, transitional phases and standard disco biscuiting (Fox Chapel expanse schooling District, 2008 Hudon, 2007). At the scribbling stage, the childs markings atomic number 18 large, circular, random, resembles gulp and includes exploratory movements (ibid.). Marks are often light colored and are the result of banging the drawing tool on paper, dragging, or sweeping as the child is in effect(p) starting to get acquainted with the tool (Bailer, 2003). As the child draws, his or her attention may be elsewhere. At the letter-like symbol stage, spacing is rarely present and the child begins to produce letter-like pulps that show some similarity to the letters that are randomly placed and interspersed with numbers (Fox Chapel playing area School District, 2008 Hudon, 2007).The children potty also discuss their own drawings or writings (Crosby & Ongie, (n. d). Children write some legible letters in capital letters that do not find appropriate mat ching of letter and sound at the string of letter phase ( mild & Vandermeer, 2000). The writings do not have spacing and the first letters to appear in their writing are usually found in their names. Although unrecognizable, children may attempt to read their put across (McCardle, 2008)At the beginning sounds emerge stage, children begin to see the difference between a letter and a word, but they do not manipulation spacing between words (Fox Chapel battlefield School District, 2008 Hudon, 2007). Their message makes feel and it matches the picture, especially when they personally choose the topic (ibid. ). The children use some letters to match sounds and use a beginning letter to represent the self-coloured word (McCardle, 2008). At this stage, children tend to reverse letters and words as they explore the physical properties of print (Crosby & Ongie, (n.d). The consonants represent words stage shows that children begin to leave spaces between their words, may often mix upper and small letter letters in their writing and write sentences that tell ideas (Fox Chapel Area School District, 2008 Hudon, 2007). At this stage, they write words with beginning and ending sounds and spell some high frequency words powerful (McCardle, 2008). This is also cognise as the semiphonetic stage where children write with appropriate letter and sound matching and with spacing between words (Meek & Vandermeer, 2000).Children who are at the initial, middle and final sounds phase may spell correctly some sight words, siblings names, and environmental print but other words are spelled the way they sound (Fox Chapel Area School District, 2008 Hudon, 2007). This is also the phonetic stage whereby children write with appropriate letter and sound matching for all audible phonemes in each word (Meek & Vandermeer, 2000). A readable, interspersed with words writings that follows the standard form and letter patterns are at the transitional phase (Fox Chapel Area School District, 20 08 Hudon, 2007).This writing also approaches conventional spelling (ibid. ). Children at this stage are writing words the way they sound, leave spaces between words, use punctuation marks, spell many high frequency words correctly and write one of more(prenominal) sentences (McCardle, 2008). Finally, at the standard spelling phase, children can spell most words correctly and are developing an thought of root words, compound words, contractions and spelling patterns (Fox Chapel Area School District, 2008 Hudon, 2007 Meek & Vandermeer, 2000).This is also known as the conventional stage of writing. Conclusion all in all children go through the developmental stages of writing. Although some may be more advanced than the other, all children go forth go through the stages at contrastive ages as each child is unique. It is important to prepare the young childrens mind and body by incorporating some home and school activities that will help them explore the printed form of language.Ref erencesBailer, K. (2003). Developmental Stages of Scribbling. Great Barrington, MA Retrieved April 23, 2008 from http//k-play.com/pdf/The%20Developmental%20Sta.pdf.Crosby, J. & Ongie, A. (n.d.). premature Writing Experiences A Parents Guide to proterozoic Writing Experiences for Preschoolers. East Tennessee State University Child Study Center. Retrieved April 23, 2008 fromhttp//sig.cls.utk.edu/Products/SIG_Early_Writing_Experiences_Flyer.pdf.Fox Chapel Area School District (2008). The Developmental Stages of Writing. Retrieved April 23, 2008 fromhttp//www.fcasd.edu/j_district/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=773&Itemid=98Hudon, L. (2007). Knowing Your Child as a Writer. Yarbrough Elementary School. Auburn, AL. Retrieved April 23, 2008 from http//www.auburnschools.org/yarbrough/lphudon/Reading%20Coach/knowingyourwriter.htmMcCardle, L. (2008). Early Writing Development. Retrieved April 23, 2008 fromhttp//www.lindaslearninglinks.com/earlywrtgdev.htmlMeek, N. and Vandermeer, M. (2000). Process Writing. Rockets Fern Bluff Elementary, Round Rock ISD. Retrieved April 23, 2008 from http//teacherweb.com/TX/BlacklandPrairieElementary/MrsTamaraBrinkley/ProcessWriting.ppt.

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