
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Of Mice and Men Essay

jakes Steinbeck provides a shape of un kind ablaze(p) attitudes towards wo men in the brisk Of Mice and manpower. I will explore these attitudes in order to represent the portrayal of women in the al-Quran in which thither ar many different women with different attitudes attentivenessively. Steinbeck commits the portrayal of Curleys espo subprogram woman, who is the main female protagonist to show how women were do by during the 1930s Depression era. The women I will analyse ar Curleys wed woman, Aunt Clara, Susy, Clara, The woman in boob and Curleys wifes breed.In the novel, women play a signifi merchant shipt portion as they are featured in e actually scene of the story. However their roles give the gate be defined negatively for they are portrayed as weak and as possessions of men. Steinbeck displays many different women who are displayed from a mans perspective in a sexist era. The indorsers first converge with a female character is The woman in Weed. She is presented as a liar and exaggerator due to her reaction when Lennie tugged her dress. George and Lennie are forced to flee from Weed, in order to escape the newly formed mob chasing them.This forces the indorser to grok women in a diminishing way at the start, which influences the contributors perception on women overall, throughout the novel. After the initial encounter with a woman the reader is encouraged to believe that The woman in Weed seemed to be the root cook of George and Lennies dilemma. This idea of women organism pest- the like, embitter and objects of sexual desire is played on throughout the novel. This ideology is presented in the likes of Susy and Clara. Susy and Clara were both brothel owners, this job taken by both women suggests the geek of jobs available for women at the time.Steinbeck presents life when the ranch workers go to the whore house. This suggests that women were seen as just a pass time during the 1930s and no-one had any respect for them. This shows how women were seen as being an object apply to have fun non to socialise with. The job they possess, in comparison with Curleys wifes role, shows how Steinbeck displays the role of women in the novel. The language and context causes the reader to perceive women as objects that have to cater for a mans every whim. Steinbeck provides the reader with one relatively positive role of a woman throughout the novel, in the form of Lennies Aunt Clara. Aunt Clara is not his mother, but she has taken on the maternal role and it is implied that she is a blood relative. She is a flat character but when she is talked about, it is in a respectful tone. We washstand guess that from the way Lennie talks to her in his mind in the fit pages that she has high standards Lennie says maam. This shows that Lennie respects her. The use of Aunt Clara provides the reader with mixed attitudes towards women in the story. Yet this positive image of women is overlooked as the reader meets the li kes of Curleys wife and her mother.Curleys wifes mother is represented as conniving and jealous, due to her involvement in Curleys wifes life. Curleys wife is changed from becoming a pictorial matter star and following the American dream, to living with Curley, a dominant and sexist man who doesnt allow her to be free. Throughout the novel the reader is expectant to distinguish women as possessions, this expectation is significantly shown with Curleys wife. Curleys wife is the main woman presented in the book. Her tone of language and the fibre of language connected to her is the same as the stereotypical depiction of women in the 1930s.She is subjected to sexist beliefs which essentially pave the way to her death, for if she hadnt sought solicitude from Lennie who seemed to be one of the exclusively men to speak to her, she wouldnt be dead. Steinbeck presents the women in the novel as being an object, not like radiation pattern people just because they are women and they belie ve men are superior. Men believe they own women and can treat them how they want to. In the novel, the women are socially inferior to the men and men just see them as possessions or objects.Curleys wife is nameless which suggests that she is insignificant and unimportant, and that she is not tempered like the men on the ranch who all have names. The immensity of her character is crucial for the storys development. The apostrophe in Curleys suggests that she belongs to Curley as if she is just an object. Also, when we find out that Curleys glove is full of Vaseline, it implies that he likes petting his wife, just like Lennie like petting dogs, mice and rabbits. This suggests that Curley thinks of his wife like an animal. It alike gives the implication that he needs to please her but at that place is no love in their relationship.Curley is proud of his wife, especially when she makes others envious of him. However, he has no respect for his wife and shows her off like a trophy wif e. Later on in the novel, we find out that Curleys wife doesnt actually love Curley, and totally married him in the confide of escaping a lonely, dull life. I dont like Curley. He aint a nice fella. She seems preoccupied with strategies to avoid perception from her husband and manages this by continuously asking of his whereabouts. Have any of you boys seen Curley? resembling George, Lenny and later on Candy, Curleys wife has a dream disdain it being one of great contrast to theirs.The futility of dreams is ever present at heart the novel. Curleys wife has an ambition to work in films coulda been in the movies and worn out nice clothes and this is no doubt stemmed from her desire for management and is linked to her loneliness and insecurities on the ranch as she bitterly resents not being treated as an individual. Men make promises to her he says he was gonna out me in the movies but she appears to lack the intelligence to realise the self-love of their promises. This mea ns that women were presented to have a lack of intelligence and were only there to look good.Steinbeck presents women as objects of forbidden lust. The word jail bait is used to describe Curleys wife repeatedly throughout the novel, this word describes his wife in a way that presents her as a very winsome young girl, but the term jail bait can in like manner be used to show that she is a danger to toy with. condescension the fact that she is constantly flaunting herself, if she is approached in any way it will cause conflict with Curley which could result in an altercation that could cause a prison sentence. Hence her being bait, to end up in jail. Yeah? married two weeks and got the eyeUsing these words Steinbeck is implying that all women start tone at other men only two weeks after being wed. The words the eye suggests its like a disease you can get which will make you look at other men instead of your own. The reader is able to recognise the negative atmosphere when Curley s wife is mentioned, through the language and attitudes of the ranch workers associated with Curleys wife. Curleys married a tart. This shows how George values women very little as he calls Curleys wife a tart. This could be judged as prejudice as he does not fully know her and jumps to conclusion.However in the book john Steinbeck presents women in a negative fashion, for example Curleys wife is very provocative and dwells on mens feelings and takes advantage of them. John Steinbecks view represents that of many people during the 1930s. John Steinbecks use of colour symbolism can be interpreted through Curleys wife. Curleys wife is connected with the colour red. The colour red is too linked with The woman in Weed, this suggests that Georges negative attitude towards women like Curleys wife, is associated with his stereotype of women, due to his previously bad encounters with them.The colour red can be associated with danger, romance, lust and blood. This suggests that the use of the colour red with women provides the reader with belief that they may be associated with danger, romance, lust and blood. The story surrounded by the actions of Curleys wife can be interpreted through the likes of contemporaries and Greek Mythology. In Genesis, Adam and Eve are met with a serpent who beguiles them to eat fruit from the tree which god had instructed them not to eat from. In consequence they are expelled from heaven.This can be interpreted as Curleys wife being the serpent and George and Lennie being Adam and Eve, as Curleys wife creates the obstruction of fulfilling the dream George and Lennie had of owning their own house. In Greek Mythology, Sirens lure sailors to their death. Sirens are seductive female creatures in Greek Mythology. The role of Sirens can be interpreted through Curleys wife. The Sirens seduce sailors to their deaths. Due to the use of language used by Steinbeck, the reader is forced to accept the role of Curleys wife as a version of a Siren. Curleys wife is, socially speaking, a marginal figure. She is a minority and has very little power in the world. She is introduced as a tart and a trouble-maker, Curleys wife is presented in increasingly sympathetic ways as the novel progresses. In the end, instead of being a trouble-maker, Curleys wife is a victim. Not only is she is victim of a murder, but she is also a victim of circumstance, having married to get away from home only to find herself trapped on the ranch where she has no friends, nothing to do, and is allowed only one relationship.The reader is forced to see her death as sympathising, as the death of someone young is more painful than of an elder. To conclude I will provide my own opinion regarding the different attitudes towards women in the novel Of Mice and Men. As a reader, my intake on this situation is that Steinbeck uses a variety of techniques that portray women in different senses. However, these different attitudes are put off as they are overpowered b y the ideology that women are inferior to men and that they are their possessions.

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