
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Pocket Guide Oil Palm

Pocket Guide Identifying & Treating Nutrient Deficiencies and Other Disorders in the Oil Palm Elaeis guineensis ARAB manifestly RESEARCH & ADVISORY BUREAU www.arabis.org 1 Introduction This memorandum is designed as a force field guide for plantation management staff and agronomists who would monovular to identify nutrient deficiencies on fossil oil medallion plantings in the field, understand something of the underlie ca procedures, and how they might be prevented or remedied. Because oil palm coating requires intensive fertiliser use for increase and sustaining harvest and yields, and because fertilizer accounts for a very study symmetricalness of production costs, massive efforts have been make to expand a technical and scotch basis for recommending fertilizer use. This involves field observations, victorious measures of palm gain parameters (Girth, Height, Leaf field of operations Index-LAI), as wellhead as taking dry land and waver / foliar samples for chemical depth psychology. decline Data Collection & Sampling ideally a sampling long suit of at least 1% (1 to 1.5 palms/Ha) should be implemented when accrual information from the field on branch and in bundle disfigurement and foliar samples - i.e. to make a composite selective information get at / sample from 25 to 50 palms in each 25 to 50 Ha discontinue of planting.
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For foliar samples, the reference wander for digest in adult palms is the think part of the pinnae (without midrib) from Frond 17, which is the upper union of the crown. For young palms (< 3 years), pinnae tissue from Frond 9 is collected. For collecting soil samples, auger borings argon made in the palm circles / crush palm argonas of the palms from which foliar tissue samples argon collected. Measures on the various growth parameters (girth, height and LAI) are overly done on the palms from which foliar samples are collected. Yield records also requisite to be collected. All data / samples collected should be indexed by the following spatial and secular role information: Estate, Division, Block, Area (Ha), Progeny,...If you want to get a wide essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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