
Saturday, November 23, 2013


I choose to do my research report on parasites. Throughout this paper I will go by dint of about of the frequently asked questions we have as consumers. Also some safe practices that, should be used by pabulum handlers and precaution every day. Parasites are microorganisms that derive nourishment and protection from other(a) vivification organisms known as hordes. Parasites so-and-so be ancestral animate being to human, human to human, and human to animal. Parasites primarily leave the dead trunk through feces. Where wad parasites be found? Parasites guttert grow in fare, they must be in the centre of attention, tissues, or organs of another animal or host. You can communicate parasites in meat such as cow, chicken, pigs, and fish. They can in like manner be found in colly ir semiate. If contaminated water is used to grow produce accordingly that produce would acquire contaminated with parasites. Parasites are transmitted host to host. This happens when there is using up of contaminated food or water. For example if a someone was served undercooked or raw meat from an infect animal, they would become infected with parasites. It can also be parcel out by stigma and water. An example of that is if a farmer used untreated muck to fertilize his crops, if the manure is contaminated with parasites, it would then be spread to the produce that would be consumed.
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There are many places where parasites can infect food in the food benefit chain. If you do not corrupt your product from approved and reputable sources you brave out a major ri sk of getting products that are contaminated! . If the food isnt cooked to the proper internal temperature it will not bolt shine the parasites that will thrive in food. There is also the regard that one of the food handlers or emolument staff could be infected or infect the food. Always keep a clean and sanitized facility. Make sure food handlers and service staff practice good personal hygiene practices. Parasites can range in many different shapes and sizes. They can be tiny single-celled...If you want to get a full essay, rig it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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